Purple underwear looks good? Want to show the charm from the home of Su Nei

Nowadays, in order to become a fashionista, in addition to the external instrument, there is no negligible existence for the inner. As a woman's personal body, underwear is often more reflective of the fine details. Want to show your charm and fashion? Then come to the home of Su Ne!


As we all know, purple is the mainstream color of 2018, so even in underwear, purple will be more popular. The simple pink and purple highlights the full fashion and tenderness. Two-thirds of the cup design makes the chest more plump and straight, and the presence of deep V makes the chest gather and shape the shape. The outline of the lace at the cup and the rhinestones at the heart of the heart are also very beautiful, showing a bit of sweetness and small freshness. With the same underwear, it is better to interpret the fashion sexy.


In contrast, deep purple is more attractive than the light wind. The design of the vest style is very good to fix the chest, making the chest more sexy and straight. At the same time, the integrated design also prevents the shoulder strap from slipping down, and the widened design has a certain degree of cushioning effect. The outline of the thin layer of yarn is a little more sexy, and it is very horrible. The elastic fabric gives the chest full of care and comfort, with the same underwear, the overall more stylish charm!

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