Summer winds of tranquility of the sea, the waves flying charming atmosphere, write a life-like symphony. In this quiet afternoon, feel the lingerie underwear bring you a different kind of love ... ...
The following editors will introduce you to our friends silk fiber underwear:
Silk fibroin, is a natural polymer extracted from silk fibroin, silk content of about 70% to 80%
Fibroin Also known as: Silk fibroin. Silk fibroin, which is extracted from the natural silk fibroin, contains about 70% to 80% of silk,
It contains 18 kinds of amino acids, of which gly, ala and ser occupy more than 80% of the total composition. Silk fibroin itself has good mechanical properties and physical and chemical properties, such as good flexibility and tensile strength, breathable moisture permeability, sustained release, etc., and after different treatment can get different forms, such as fiber, solution, powder, membrane And five major benefits such as gel skin care. Care your delicate body, allowing you to distribute elegant sexy charm!